QST, №4, March, 1916, p. 54-55


The Radio Club of America Holds Meeting.

At the last meeting of the Radio Club of America, Mr. William Dubilier presented a paper on "Portable Aeroplane and Trench Radio Sets" with special consideration of a type of apparatus developed by the author for utilizing direct currents in producing musical notes without the use of a motor generator set and revolving spark gaps. Mr. Dubilier has recently returned from France and England where he made experiments with these sets. He very interestingly described in detail, with lantern slides and apparatus, the installations now being used by the Allies for directing artillery fire, and communicating between trenches.

Mr. A. S. Blatterman presents very interesting paper before Institute of Radio Engineers.

At the meeting of the Institute of Radio Engineers, held Jan. 5th., a paper on "Variations in Nocturnal Transmission" was presented by Mr. Blatterman. It gave a very interesting account of experiments in nocturnal transmission which have been carried on between the University of North Dakota and Washington University in St. Louis, Mo. A number of peculiar effects of value to experimenters in the radio field were quite clearly brought out.

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