QST, №1, December, 1915


Any owner of a wireless station may become a member of the American Radio Relay League by filling in an application blank and sending it in to headquarters for consideration. If the application blank indicates that the operator has a practical working station, and can receive a message, he is made a member. No money is charged, as the League is not a money making scheme in any sense of the word. Its single aim is to organize the different amateur wireless telegraph stations of the United States of America, so that we can relay messages between each other and thus reach any part of the country. The only money that is asked for, is to pay for the List of Stations book, and the License Certificate which are charged at what they cost to print and distribute.

An application blank can he obtained by dropping a postal to Headquarters, American Radio Relay League, Drawer 4, Hartford, Conn. All orders for books or License Certificates should be sent to this address.