QST, №1, 1915 год. Try This Head Set for Ten Days.

QST, №1, December, 1915, p. 17

Try This Head Set for Ten Days

Try This Head Set
for Ten Days
and see for yourself how clearly you can get stations that are barely audible with your present head set. If it does not prove to be all that we claim for it, we'll gladly refund your money. The
Radio Head Set
is noted for its extreme sensitiveness. The tone is soft and beautifully distinct, which greatly reduces static interferences but brings in weak signals clear and strong.

Furnished with concealed cord connections, universal ball joint adjustment, six foot waterproof cord, laminated pole pieces, etc.

Standard A-9723 Radio Head Set wound to 2000 ohms sent for $8.25. Privilege of return in 10 days if receiving efficiency is not increased.

Bulletin No. 1006 which describes the general construction and "What Some of the Users Say" is free for the asking.

Telephone Mfg. Company
Rochester, N. Y.
Chicago, III. Toronto, Can.