QST, №1, 1915. Electrical and Wireless Catalog

QST, №1, December, 1915

Electrical and Wireless Catalog

More than ever justifies your verdict that it is the one catalog worth while

Everything Electrical
For the Boy, Home or Store

Only 8c

in stamps will bring this unrivalled catalog to your home. The great cost of catalog and the exceptionally low prices (oftentimes fully 25% below usual retail price) prohibits its distribution otherwise. You may deduct the 8c on first dollar purchase.

Our records show that 70% of our catalogs produce us patrons. Many of our competitors admit the waste of 90% of their catalogs. Who pays for them? This is the big, controlling reason why you should have our catalog, backed by a great selling and purchasing power, before even thinking of buying elsewhere.

Only 4c

in stamps will bring to you our complete wireless catalog of 128 pages.

Over 40 New Pages of Wireless lnstruments

and substantial reductions on many popular wireless instruments and standard electrical supplies.


129 pp. Wireless Instruments (129 pages) magnet wire of all kinds, raw material, storage batteries, telegraph instruments, battery motors, commercial motors and generators, sewing machine motors, telephones, step-down transformers, massage vibrators, bells, push buttons, auto accessories, flash lights, hand lanterns, auto and miniature lamps, Xmas tree outfits, voltmeters, ammeters, lighting plants. Victrolas, air rifles, electric aeroplanes, model builders, electric railways, electrical and mechanical books and general electrical supplies.