F. B. Chambers & Co., Wireless Engineers. 2046 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa., write: "On Tuesday evening we gave a demonstration of the Multi-Audi-Fone, to about 300 men; Technical and exponmenters.
The hall in which the demonstration was held is about 75 by 150 feet, and the signals from all station — working at the time, could be heard all over the hall; and the louder ones could be heard in another room — back of the main hall. Even the Amateurs came in "howling", and the aerial used was only 8 wires, and about 40 feet high.
Everyone was more than surprised at the results, and before us when we say — that it surely was some amplifying; and there is nothing that can anywhere near touch the Multi-Audi-Fone."
Jeffries-Young Antenna Co., of Atlantic City. N. J., write: "The Amplifier and Multum in Parvo Set received from you are giving wonderful results, and come to the mark on every claim made. The Arlington Signals before audible with the Phones 12 inches away, can now be copied in nearly every room in our house, on St. Charles Place, where our winter station is located."
W. O. Horner, of Cleveland, Tennessee, says: "I have been trying your Multi-Audi-Fone out as an Amplifier. ... I was more than surprised at its sensitiveness. ... it is certainly wonderful."
Again he writes: "Yours of the 28th at hand. I use a Triple Valve Station of highest class and thought I had the best on the market, but when I hooked your Multi-Audi-Fone to the third Audion I was astonished at its Amplification.
"I laid your Phones on the table and walked one hundred and twenty-five feet to the rear of my store and copied Arlington and Key West at 9:30 P. M. Many 600 Meter stations I also copied at this same distance. I also hooked your Malti-Audi-Fone to a single Audion and signals were much louder than all three of my Amplifiers."
S. Krose, of Halstead, Kansas, writes: "Multum in Parvo is a wonder."
M. B. Schwartz, of Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "With regard to results obtained on connecting the Multi-Audi-Fone in my Radio receiving set as an Amplifier, I am glad to say that I was astonished by the roaring and whistling of myriads of stations, near and far, many of which I never heard before; the small amateur stations coming in so loud that they were heard all over the room — it was like opening up a new region, fertile with activity and life, heretofore unknown. It may also probably be of interest to you to know that I heard the SS Brazos every evening from the time she left San Juan, P. R., Oct. 20th, until she reached N. Y., during the run she came in with remarkable audibility.
"The above is precisely what happened after including the Multi-Audi-Fone, Signals were heard all over the house for a distance of from 60 to 100 feet from Phones."
F. S. Hammond, of St. Marys, Pa., writes: "With Amplifier, my Tuner Galena and small horn attached to one of your Phones. Arlington can exactly be read in any part of room. Substituting Audion for Galena nearly doubles strength of signals, making them readable in hall downstairs."
Glenn Sabin & Co.. Wireless Engineers, of Northampton, Mass., write: "We have demonstrated your Multi-Audi-Fone, to a number of experimenters and the results were surprisingly satisfactory.
"We have picked up stations with a single Multi-Audi-Fone, coupled to a single Audion, which we have been unable to get with a double Audion."
"For getting Arlington time there is nothing that can touch it.
"On our aerial we can pick up fellows fifty and sixty miles away operating on half and three-quarter inch spark coils, which is excellent work to say the least and proves without a doubt that the Multi-Audi-Fone is an Amplifier that cannot be beaten."
REMEMBER THESE FACTS: That the Multi-Andi-Fone works equally well with damped and undamped circuits and will work equally well with any Detector or Receiving Set, and that it will cost you more for batteries than ......TEN CENTS A MONTH.
Our regular orders have already increased to such an extent that we are now compelled to withdraw our ten-day trial offer. Everybody will EVENTUALLY buy a Malti-Audi-Fone. Why don't you buy yours now and GET THE PLEASURE OUT OF IT?
Multum in Parvo Receiver, including Crystaloi Detector and Buzzer ..................... $20.00
If you prefer to use your own Detector and not buy the Crystaloi and Buzzer ............ 15.00
Multi-Audi-Fone, including our specially wound Head Set ................................ 10.00
OUR COMPLETE WIRELESS SET ................................................... $45.00 or $50.00