QST, №1, 1915. The Next Issue

QST, №1, December, 1915

The Next Issue

The next issue of "QST" will be a wonder. There will be an article on the Oscillating Audion, and it will be written in language which no one can misunderstand. Construction, operation, what stations can be heard with one, and theory will be covered in a brief and crisp manner. The amateur will understand this newest radio development when he reads this article. Nauen and Hanover, Germany, are read easily here on a fifty-foot high aerial, using an oscillating audion.

Another feature of the next issue worth watching for will be on the matter of a Volunteer Radio Corps. It is being suggested by the officers of the League and the chances are that the better amateur radio stations of the country will be recognized by the Government. Big things are certainly coming for the up-to-date amateur. Be sure and arrange so that you will not overlook the next issue.

A system of testing among amateurs, will be described also in the next number. We all know how difficult it is sometimes to pick up a distant amateur station which we really should be able to easily work. In the next issue a plan is suggested which will help us all.