Everybody please note that we are always glad to welcome contributions from any amateur on a wireless subject. Send us your ideas or photographs or long distance record or anything in the freak line you have noticed. Never mind if you cannot express yourself to your satisfaction. Write it out any old way, and we will do the dressing up if it should need any.
Remember, everybody, that we will print free of charge for sale and want ads, for second hand apparatus up to any reasonable number of words. Practically the entire amateur wireless contingent of the country will see QST and there is always some one who wants what you have to sell or exchange.
AGENTS FOR QST SUBSCRIPTIONS. We will have a lot of people who want to buy QST but who have not the necessary personal snap to arrange for a regular subscription unless some one makes it easy for them. The agent has a good opportunity here. We will send one extra copy whenever an agent sends in subscription for four. If an agent sells eight, he receives ten from us. He can sell these and get his commission.