QST, №2, January, 1916, p. 5
Things are happening in the wireless world with a frequency in proportion to their radio origin. The amateur, as usual, is found following closely behind the leaders. This latest development, by which an amateur with an aerial fifty feet high and two hundred feet long is able to hear Nauen and Hanover, Germany, is very pointedly covered in the article in this number of QST, which every good relay station owner should read. The audion has come to be very common in our stations all over the country, and this latest use of it will sure to be taken advantage of by the more prominent amateurs at first and then the smaller ones. The only point is to find a way to get the results with inexpensively contrived apparatus. We can depend upon our membership to look out for this. We hope that anyone with any good results to point to will send them in for publication, for the assistance of all.