QST, №2, January, 1916. APPLICATION BLANKS.

QST, №2, January, 1916, p. 6


Every man, woman or child who reads these lines and is interested in Amateur Wireless, and owns a station, should not put this magazine down until he or she has cut out the page which forms an application blank, and filled it in and mailed it. The whole success of our Relay League depends upon having a wireless station at the point where there is a message to be sent or received. You may not have but one message a year, but it might well be that this one little MSG would mean a tremendous lot to somebody.

We at headquarters are working hard and enthusiastically and spending good money. You will help more than you think by sending in your application blank, and if you can show a working station, to secure the LIST OF STATIONS BOOK, and the APPOINTMENT CERTIFICATE. It costs you nothing but a two-cent stamp to send in your blank. The List of Stations Book costs you thirty-five cents, which is what it cost us. The appointment certificate, if you are appointed, costs you fifty cents, which pays for the certificate and the printing of this magazine.