Kansas City, Kans: A radio club has been formed in this city under the name of "The Kansas City, Kansas, High School Radio Club." The club has not been organized very long, but it is progressing rapidly. The members are being trained so that they may become competent operators. Mr. Lyons has given several talks about the theory of electricity and wireless telegraphy. Under the instruction of Mr. Lyons, the members are rapidly becoming efficient operators. For sending the club has installed a one kilowatt transformer made by the members. The members have also made a loose coupler, variable condenser, and several other instruments. They use a pair of Brandes Navy Receivers and obtain excellent results. The members hope to increase the present set. The following is a partial list of the members:—
Parker E. Wigging, Pres., Ralph Mueller, Secy., William Ritter, Treas., Fred White, Press Agt., Edw. Foulks, Frank Reichenecker, William Mauzy, Eriand Curtis, Paul Jefferds, Bert Kellar.