QST, №2, January, 1916. FEBRUARY QST.

QST, №2, January, 1916, p. 17


The next issue of "QST" will surpass everybody's expectations. Don't fail to read the article on "Arrangement." You can get efficiency and send a long distance if your apparatus is arranged properly. There is more in this subject than the majority realize. "Arrangement" will be another clear and interesting article by a competent writer.

February "QST" will be a wonder in many respects. Some remarkable photographs of amateur stations have been received. You will wish to look them over. Subscribe to "QST" and you will have the opportunity. One amateur will tell how he receives distant amateurs and transmits 600 miles with a half kilowatt. That is something everybody wants to do. Read the article. Some answers to the Japanese letter will be published. They are great.