QST, №2, January, 1916. GENERAL NOTICE to the Licensed Amateurs of the U. S.

QST, №2, January, 1916

to the Licensed Amateurs of the U. S.

Headquarters, Hartford, Conn., Dec. 24, 1915

At a meeting of the Directors of the AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, held in Hartford on the above date; the Secretary was authorized to publish ths following statement:

"First, the Secretary shall supply until further notice 'The List ot Stations' book and a three months trial subscription to QST, at a reduced price of fifty cents to any licensed amateur.

Second, the object of this action is to give the amateurs an opportunity to obtain the 'List of Stations' book at a reduced rate, and at the same time to introduce 'QST.'


The Book is one which every amateur must have, as it contains detailed data about six hundred of the best stations in the U. S.

The hard-working publishers want "QST" to be read by EVERY amateur. Through it the officers of the LEAGUE will keep the amateurs informed: of all important steps in wireless, long distance records, construction of new apparatus, work of the various clubs throughout the country, and everything which interests the amateur operators and experimenters. Take advantage of this offer and USE THE COUPON.