In order to facilitate the exchange and sale of second hand apparatus, "QST" will print, free of charge, want and for sale ads. up to a reasonable number of words. The publishers reserve the right to withhold any ad. which is against the policy of this department
FOR SALE: Amplifier panel set, detector and two steps, equipped with modern amplifying transformers and special bulbs. Quartered oak cabinet with fine finish, 18" x 12" x 8" deep, Bakelite front 16" x 10". All conveniences, phone jacks, provision for Armstrong inductances. Photos on request. Woodcock, 496 West Ferry St., Buffalo, N. Y.
WANTED: Splitdorff coil in exchange, for helix in perfect condition wound with 24' of copper wire, extra large size Magic Lantern with over 100 pictures or No. 2 Brownie camera in perfect working order but showing signs of use. Will either give one or all of the above articles in exchange, according to condition of coil. E. B. White, Lincolnville Ave., Belfast, Me.
WANITED: Variable cond. Audion Detector or type AA Crystaloi Detector. Sydney Rosenthal, 116 E. Tupper St., Buffalo, N. Y.
FOR SALE: 2 new DeForest audions. Lawrence W. Porter of 104 Greenridge Ave., White Plains, N. Y.
FOR SALE: 8-60 storage battery with 2 lugs to each cell, $10.00. Receiving set consisting of loose-coupler, variable condenser, detector, fixed condenser, 15" loading coil, shunt, in a mahogany finished cabinet 12" x 20" x 9" when closed; like small suit case with handle on side, $12.60 — ¼ Kw. new Winger Transformer, $10.00. First class articles in every way. W. Slifer, 6th below Bockland St., Philadelphia, Pa. 3WK or Bell phone.
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Good as new, 2000 Ohm head-set; one 1-inch and one ½-inch spark coil; 1 K.W. Oscillation Transformer mounted in wood fibre (home made) triple pole, double throw quick action Aerial Switch; also buzzers, switches and accessories. Can use old Audion bulb or variable Condensers, Blitzen preferred. Write me what you need. Paul W. Hare, Fredericktown, Ohio.
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: Pair of E. I. Co.'s 2000 ohm receivers for a good variable, 43 plate type: 60 ft. of copper ribbon ¾" x 1/64", valued at 4c. a ft.; 9 glass plates 18" x 18" x 3/32" with foil: brass switch points, lacquered, ¼" x ¼" with 8-32 thread, fine for rotary gaps. Frederick Gamble, 2412 Putnam St.,Toledo,_Ohio.
FOR SALE: Entire sending set including one-half Kw. Blitzen transformer, one-half Kw. condenser, $5.00 key, oscillation transformer, Murdock type, Murdock rotary gap, $45.00. First good offer takes all. F. Lamb, 623 Elmer St., Vineland, N. J.
FOR SALE AND WANTED: Audion Grid and Plate suitable for exchange. Three coils, silk wire, tapped suitable for oscillating audion or as loading tune up to 16,000 metres. Make offers. Any reputable make of navy type tuner, no sliders. State condition and lowest price. Will buy Multi-Audi-Fone. Name price. Or make exchange and cash for above. Edgar Felix. 528 Riverside Drive, New York
FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE: One inch spark coil. First class home-made plate glass condenser for a two-inch coil; one pair Brandes 2000 ohm phones (superior); one pair Murdock solid receivers 2000 ohms each with head band and good home made loose coupler and perikon detector. Wm. Waite, 2907 Fairhill, Philadelphia, Pa.
FOR SALE: The best text book of wireless telegraphy. Written by Dr. Zenneck. The book is noted for its wonderful illustrations and is an authority on the subject. The Officers of the League can recommend no better book. Price, $4.00. The Secretary AMERICAN RADIO RELAY LEAGUE, Hartford, Conn.
FOR SALE: I have for sale one 1/20th H.P. Emerson Induction motor, 1760 R.P.M. Operates on 110-60 cycles. Is in first-class condition; has just been over-hauled, and looks like new. Will sell for reasonable price. Geo. B. Ruddell, 721 Main Street, Hartford, Conn.