QST, №4, March, 1916. Contents.


Price 10 Cents.

"QST", №4, March, 1916.
Practical Pointers on the Audion By A. B. Cole, E. E.41
Practical RelayingBy Hiram Percy Maxim.45
Norristown Radio Association Holds Meeting 46
Thoughts of the Good Old Palmy DaysBy Lloyd Manuel47
Novel Arrangement of Wireless CodeBy Elliott B. Holl48
The Radio Station of Mr. P. W. Patch, Dubuque, Ia. 49
Government Wishes to Place More Effective Control over Possible Interference 50
Receiving with a Pancake TunerBy E. E. House, Battle Creek, Mich.55
An Interview with the Inventor of the Crystaloi Detector 56
QST 57
Latest List of Additions to American Radio Relay League Stations 60
Exchange, For Sale and Wanted "Second Hand Apparatus" 63
Generai Notice! to the Licensed Amateurs of the U.S. 67
Important Notice!  

QST is pablished by and at the expense of Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence D. Tuska. Its obiect is to help maintain the organization of the American Radio Relay League and to keep the amateur wireless operators of the country in constant touch with one anotfier. Every amateur will help himself and help his fellows by sending in $1 for a 12 months' subscription.

Application made for entry to second class mailing matter at Hartford, Conn.
Issued monthly by Hiram Percy Maxim and Clarence D. Tuska.
Hartford, Conn.