At a meeting held on Thursday night, Feb. 3, 1916, the amateur wireless operators of New Rochelle, N. Y. organized a club to be known as the Radio Club of New Rochelle. The purpose of this society is to better and further advance wireless telegraphy in New Rochelle.
Of an initial membership of twenty the following officers were elected: President, John Bucknam, Vice President, Etienne Donovan, Secretary-Treasurer, Thomas Havard, and Press Agent, Edward Bettels.
The president appointed a committee whose duties it will be to establish and maintain a circulation library of the latest and best books on wireless, and the current magazines on the same subject. A second committee, the electrical, was appointed to take charge of the experimenting station of the club. This committee will perform its experiments before the members of the club.
The Club invites all amateur radio stations in the United States to communicate with them through their secretary, Thomas Havard, 48 John St., New Rocheile, N.Y.
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