QST, Vol. I, ¹6, May, 1916, p. 101


After reading what Mr. Herbert., District Manager for Trunk Lines C and D, and what Mr. Mathews, District Manager for Trunk Lines A and E, have to report, we must all feel very proud of our American Radio Relay League.

These gentlemen illustrate the real Radio spirit. They have undertaken the work of organizing their Trunk Lines, and all of the letter writing and detail which is inseparable from a work of this kind, and they not only have gone at it with smiles but have accomplished results.

We all owe them a debt of gratitude, and it is certainly up to the rest of us to give them a helping hand whenever the chance comes our way. It will, of course, take them some time before they can get their Trunk Lines in working order so that test messages can go out every Monday and every Thursday night to the end of each line and he receipted back; but it will be done eventually. A great many of us realize that our position on one of these Trunk Lines means better station efficiency. Already we have noticed a great many improvements in equipment, and we are informed of much new apparatus being ordered to better handle Trunk Line traffic.

The present season is coming to an end in a couple of months, and we shall probably not have things in full working order by that time. But we predict great things for the coming season when hundreds of stations will have improved their equipment.

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